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feeling stuck

Are you feeling stuck? Not getting the results you're expecting?

May 25, 20231 min read

To continue our conversation on Leading Quality Indicators (LQIs) and metrics that help to influence behaviours... do you engage with personnel around the metrics and trends over time?

Or are personnel only spoken to if targets are missed? Do personnel understand how their day to day activities impact the LQIs? If not, there is a great opportunity there for improving your team!

And if they do 'get it', but the metrics are still trending out, then maybe the team has a very good understanding why its trending out. Are their process improvements that are needed?

Or maybe the targets are not realistic. And if not, why not? Metrics, targets and LQIs should be a great place to engage with personnel and get their buy-in. Because they probably have some good suggestions to improve things. And that also helps with personnel engagement.

Leading Quality Indicators
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