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Is learning an integral part of your culture?

Is learning an integral part of your culture?

February 22, 20231 min read

Is your company reactive or proactive?

Do leaders and managers have a more 'detect and correct' mindset, rather than learning and continuous improvement?

Or maybe you have heard, "Don't fix what isn't broken" from management when improvements are screening out to be implemented?

A mature quality culture shifts to being proactive. Learning and continuous improvement are ongoing, not set and forget. This is achieved by incorporating learning in the culture, led by leaders who understand and invest in the power of learning, and then implement what is learned.

It might be a new thing for your company - coupling learning and continuous improvement. Many companies only think learning is synonymous with training. But really, learning means everything to do with your product and processes, not just theoretical stuff.

This is where quality culture and OPEX align really well. What's your experience? Does your company do learning well? Want more on quality culture?

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